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Coarse Calf 16 Mixture or Calf Starter 18 Pellets
  • Follow on ration from our calf starter ration with a similar raw matwerial inclusion.
  • Good ingredients enable growth rates to be met whether using a starw or grass silage system.
  • Balanced starch and energy sources to promote efficient weight gain without laying down fatty tissue.
  • Selective protein sources to maintain the growth of frame for the correct size at bulling stage.
  • Strong mineral and vitamin package to promote good health.
  • Manufactured in a dust free 5mm nut. Available in bulk or bags.
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Feeding rates are estimates, and other factors, such as animal health and environment, can have a greater impact on how animals perform. There is no guarantee that animals will perform as expected if fed the suggested rates. Rations should be balanced to provide enough energy and protein for animals, and they should include enough forage to keep the rumen healthy. Animals also need access to fresh water at all times.