It is always very encouraging to report good news and at GP Feeds we were particularly pleased to hear that live animals, beef and beef products should be able to be exported by the end of April, this year. We emphasise this year as the ban of UK beef exports was imposed in 1994 to protect against the spread of BSE and in spite of many false dawns since then, this news should be welcomed as it now opens the gate upon another opportunity to sell into a market with a value of £675m a year.

Of course the environment minister, Margaret Beckett, said it was "a vindication" of the UK's efforts to control BSE while the EU vets committee unanimously adopted a resolution to lift the ban as the UK has taken the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the disease. Alleluia, but has the political football really taken this length of time to reach this judgement. However, we will not continue with more cynical comments because the tide has turned in our favour and now presents an opportunity for farmers and GP Feeds.

The benefits to your business could be quite profound with its knock on effect of barren and calf values whilst the beef finisher should see an upturn in his fortunes. As the opportunity unfolds we would like to share the benefits with you by considering your purchase of future feeds via GP Feeds, after all we do have the knowledge and collective experience to supply the products you seek to give the best returns in the market place.

At GP Feeds we believe that by focusing on good performance from feed you will be able to ensure live weight gains are adequate to attain high output of meat. It is also important to recognise the correct feed for the right animal in the most suitable environment for the best market returns and please bear in mind that your feed costs should always be judged against the performance you want to achieve.

As it is now in the dairy sector, we are finding that quite a number of our beef producing customers are now favouring a blended product to match other on farm forages and that this has the distinction of increasing overall feed intakes and live weight gain. Increases in live weight gain can lead to the better utilisation of buildings and a 13% increase in animal throughput. This will present a considerable contribution to farm profit.

See our ration pages for our Beef diets - and don't forget we can also customise a beef ration specific to your herd's needs!
