As the year is drawing to a close, we can reflect on another difficult year for British farming. All sectors have experienced low returns and mass migration from the dairy industry has been apparent. Long term, one would hope that this will mean a shortage of milk supply (are we beginning to see this already?), which can hopefully lead to an increase in milk prices. Adding value to a product, often increases public interest and gives the producer a chance to benefit from better returns.

Adding value to your own milk in the form of increased butterfat and milk protein levels may also help obtain a better price per litre. Obviously a number of factors such as breeding, management, health and nutrition affect these levels, but by feeding a nutritionally correct diet you can control most of the other aspects except breeding.

Hopefully, some of the added value gained by the Cheese processors, will be passed down the line to the producer.

We are always at hand to help you balance your cows' diet correctly. If you feel you would benefit from this, please do not hesitate to give us a call.(01948 661602)
