ATRIUM Silage maize

ATRIUM Silage maize

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Maturing later than the early varieties (some 2 to 3 weeks dependant on the season) this new variety on the list has an impressive yield potential. In the last 3 years trials with NIAB, prior to coming onto the list, it has topped all other varieties on the entire list with its M.E. value of 11.7 Mj/kg. This coupled with an above average yield means ATRIUM produces more energy per acre than any variety on the NIAB list. While the energy is concentrated in the cob in all varieties, Limagrain the breeders, are trying to improve the feed value of the stem and leaves. This means the value of the whole plant is greater than any other. Usual sowing rates of 43,000 to 45,000 seeds per acre apply dependent on sowing time, sowing conditions and width of rows. If you want extremely high yields of M.E., starch and total amounts of silage harvested this is the variety to grow.

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  • New 1st choice on the 2011 NIAB Maize list.
  • ATRIUM has unbeatable quality with the top energy content (11.7 ME) of the entire NIAB list.
  • ATRIUM is suitable for growers on all mainstream sites (Maturity Class 6)
  • The massive dry matter yields from ATRIUM enables growers to maximise output per acre and reduce growing costs per tonne.
  • ATRIUM combines energy density with massive yields, a winning combination for all maize growers.
  • FAO 200 (The FAO number system is a standard measure of earliness which takes account of both cob ripeness and stay green. The lower the number the earlier the maturity)


Feeding rates are estimates, and other factors, such as animal health and environment, can have a greater impact on how animals perform. There is no guarantee that animals will perform as expected if fed the suggested rates. Rations should be balanced to provide enough energy and protein for animals, and they should include enough forage to keep the rumen healthy. Animals also need access to fresh water at all times.